Episode 5 • Money
Thrifty Splurge on Be sold out Cost an arm and a leg Dip into Story So, I’m normally pretty thrifty. I prefer not to spend
Thrifty Splurge on Be sold out Cost an arm and a leg Dip into Story So, I’m normally pretty thrifty. I prefer not to spend
Get by Save up Take out (a loan) Chip in Pay off Story My wife and I used to have relatively good jobs. She was
Spice up A recipe for disaster Turn sour Grill someone Let someone stew Story Last month I met my friend Mike. Mike has been married
Help yourself to Wolf down Not agree Pick at Send out for Story Last night, I came home after a long day at work, I
Mouthwatering Hearty breakfast Light meal Spoil (one’s) appetite Food poisoning Story Last week, Josh and I came back from our trip! We had so much
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